SUPER-UX X Toolkit Programming Manual


Part 1:  X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface

Part 2:  Athena Widget Set - C Language Interface




Chapter 1- Athena Widgets and Intrinsics

1.1. Introduction to the X Toolkit
1.2. Terminology
1.3. Underlying Model
1.4. Conventions Used in this Manual
1.5. Format of the Widget Reference Chapters
1.6. Input Focus

Chapter 2 - Using Widgets

2.1. Setting the Locale
2.2. Initializing the Toolkit
2.3. Creating a Widget
2.4. Common Resources
2.5. Resource Conversions
2.5.1. Cursor Conversion
2.5.2. Pixel Conversion
2.5.3. Bitmap Conversion
2.6. Realizing a Widget
2.7. Processing Events
2.8. Standard Widget Manipulation Functions
2.8.1. Mapping Widgets
2.8.2. Destroying Widgets
2.8.3. Retrieving Widget Resource Values
2.8.4. Modifying Widget Resource Values
2.9. Using the Client Callback Interface
2.10. Programming Considerations
2.10.1. Writing Applications
2.10.2. Changing Resource Values Specifying Resources Creating Argument Lists
2.11. Example Programs

Chapter 3 - Simple Widgets

3.1. Command Widget
3.1.1. Resources
3.1.2. Command Actions
3.2. Grip Widget
3.2.1. Resources
3.2.2. Grip Actions
3.3. Label Widget
3.3.1. Resources
3.4. List Widget
3.4.1. Resources
3.4.2. List Actions
3.4.3. List Callbacks
3.4.4. Changing the List
3.4.5. Highlighting an Item
3.4.6. Unhighlighting an Item
3.4.7. Retrieving the Currently Selected Item
3.4.8. Restrictions
3.5. Panner Widget
3.5.1. Resources
3.5.2. Panner Actions
3.5.3. Panner Callbacks
3.6. Repeater Widget
3.6.1. Resources
3.6.2. Repeater Actions
3.7. Scrollbar Widget
3.7.1. Resources
3.7.2. Scrollbar Actions
3.7.3. Scrollbar Callbacks
3.7.4. Convenience Routines
3.7.5. Setting Float Resources
3.8. Simple Widget
3.8.1. Resources
3.9. StripChart Widget
3.9.1. Resources
3.9.2. Getting the StripChart Value
3.10. Toggle Widget
3.10.1. Resources
3.10.2. Toggle Actions
3.10.3. Toggle Actions
3.10.4. Radio Groups
3.10.5. Convenience Routines Changing the Toggle's Radio_Group

Chapter 4 - Menus

4.1. Using the Menus
4.2. SimpleMenu Widget
4.2.1. Resources
4.2.2. SimpleMenu Actions
4.2.3. Positioning the SimpleMenu
4.2.4. Convenience Routines Registering the Global Action Routines Getting and Clearing the Current Menu Entry
4.3. SmeBSB Object
4.3.1. Resources
4.4. SmeLine Object
4.4.1. Resources
4.5. Sme Object
4.5.1. Resources
4.5.2. Subclassing the Sme Object
4.6. MenuButton Widget
4.6.1. Resources
4.6.2. MenuButton Actions
4.6.3. MenuButton Actions

Chapter 5 - Text Widgets

5.1. Text Widget for Users
5.1.1. Default Key Bindings
5.1.2. Search and Replace
5.1.3. File Insertion
5.1.4. Text Selections for Users
5.2. Text Widget Actions
5.2.1. Cursor Movement Actions
5.2.2. Delete Actions
5.2.3. Selection Actions
5.2.4. The New Line Actions
5.2.5. Kill and Actions
5.2.6. Miscellaneous Actions
5.2.7. Text Selections for Application Programmers
5.3. Default Translation Bindings
5.4. Text Functions
5.4.1. Selecting Text
5.4.2. Unhighlighting Text
5.4.3. Getting Current Text Selection
5.4.4. Replacing Text
5.4.5. Searching for Text
5.4.6. Redisplaying Text
5.4.7. Resources Convenience Routines
5.5. Ascii Text Widget
5.5.1. Resources
5.6. Ascii Source Object and Multi Source Object
5.6.1. Resources
5.6.2. Convenience Routines Conserving Memory Saving Files Seeing if the Source has Changed
5.7. ASCII Sink Object and Multi Sink Object
5.7.1. Resources
5.8. Customizing the Text Widget
5.9. Text Widget
5.9.1. Resources
5.10. TextSrc Object
5.10.1. Resources
5.10.2. Subclassing the TextSrc Reading Text Replacing Text Scanning the TextSrc Searching through a TextSrc Text Selections
5.11. TextSink Object
5.11.1. Resources
5.11.2. Subclassing the TextSink Displaying Text Displaying the Insert Point Clearing Portions of the Text window Finding a Text Position Given Pixel Values Finding the Distance Between two Text Positions Finding the Size of the Drawing area Setting the Tab Stops Getting the Insert Point's Size and Location

Chapter 6 - Composite and Constraint Widgets

6.0.1. A Brief Note on Geometry Management
6.1. Box Widget
6.1.1. Resources
6.1.2. Layout Semantics
6.2. Dialog Widget
6.2.1. Resources
6.2.2. Constraint Resources
6.2.3. Layout Semantics Example Special Considerations
6.2.4. Automatically Created Children
6.2.5. Convenience Routines
6.3. Form Widget
6.3.1. Resources
6.3.2. Constraint Resources
6.3.3. Layout Semantics Example
6.3.4. Convenience Routines
6.4. Paned Widget
6.4.1. Using the Paned Widget
6.4.2. Resources
6.4.3. Constraint Resources
6.4.4. Layout Semantics Resizing Panes from a Grip Action Resizing Panes after the Paned widget is resized Managing Children and Geometry Management Special Considerations
6.4.5. Grip Translations
6.4.6. Convenience Routines
6.5. Porthole Widget
6.5.1. Resources
6.5.2. Layout Semantics
6.5.3. Porthole Callbacks
6.6. Tree Widget
6.6.1. Resources
6.6.2. Constraint Resources
6.6.3. Layout Semantics
6.6.4. Convenience Routines
6.7. Viewport Widget
6.7.1. Resources
6.7.2. Layout Semantics

Chapter 7 - Creating New Widgets (Subclassing)

7.0.1. Public Header File
7.0.2. PrivateHeaderFile
7.0.3. Widget Source File
