The next level of structures (actually, a union) control how the individual rows or columns are layed out.
typedef union _XmGeoMajorLayoutRec { XmGeoRowLayoutRec row; XmGeoColumnLayoutRec col; } XmGeoMajorLayoutRec; typedef union _XmGeoMajorLayoutRec *XmGeoMajorLayout;
XmGeoRowLayoutRecXmGeoColumnLayoutRecXmGET_ACTUAL_SIZEXmGET_PREFERRED_SIZEXmGEO_PRE_SETXmGEO_POST_SETXmGEO_EXPANDXmGEO_CENTERXmGEO_PACKXmGEO_PROPORTIONALXmGEO_AVERAGINGXmGEO_WRAPThe only member of interest is the XmGeoRowLayoutRec. Here's the layout for both; below, I'll describe what the fields mean for the RowLayoutRec - the fields of a ColumnLayoutRec (should it ever get implemented) are similar.
typedef struct { Boolean end; XmGeoSegmentFixUpProc fix_up; Dimension even_width; Dimension even_height; Dimension min_height; Boolean stretch_height; Boolean uniform_border; Dimension border; unsigned char fill_mode; unsigned char fit_mode; Boolean sticky_end; Dimension space_above; Dimension space_end; Dimension space_between; Dimension max_box_height; Dimension boxes_width; Dimension fill_width; Dimension box_count; } XmGeoRowLayoutRec, *XmGeoRowLayout; typedef struct { Boolean end; XmGeoSegmentFixUpProc fix_up; Dimension even_height; Dimension even_width; Dimension min_width; Boolean stretch_width; Boolean uniform_border; Dimension border; unsigned char fill_mode; unsigned char fit_mode; Boolean sticky_end; Dimension space_left; Dimension space_end; Dimension space_between; Dimension max_box_width; Dimension boxed_height; Dimension fill_height; Dimension box_count; } XmGeoColumnLayoutRec, *XmGeoColumnLayout; enum { XmGET_ACTUAL_SIZE = 1, XmGET_PREFERRED_SIZE, XmGEO_PRE_SET, XmGEO_POST_SET }; /* fill modes for the GeoLayoutRec's below */ enum { XmGEO_EXPAND, XmGEO_CENTER, XmGEO_PACK }; /* fit modes for the GeoLayoutRec's below */ enum { XmGEO_PROPORTIONAL, XmGEO_AVERAGING, XmGEO_WRAP };
Now for a description of the XmGeoRowLayoutRec:
In general, the user is only interested in fields up to (and including) space_between. The remaining fields are used during the calculations.