List of Tables
List of Tables
List of Figures
1. Foreword
2. Synthetic Resourcesand Resolution Independence
1. Introduction
2. The Implementation of Synthetic Resources
3. How to Use Synthetic Resources
3. Pandora's Box: The BaseClass Stuff
1. Introduction
2. The Method Hooks
1. The Wrapper Data Stacks
2. The BaseClass Extension Record
3. The Method Wrappers
4. The Widget Extension Data
5. Other Undocumented Stuff
4. Diverting User Input with Grabs
1. Introduction
2. The Grab Layer and the Grab List
1. Full Application Modal Dialogs
2. Modeless Dialogs
3. System Modal Dialogs
4. Primary Application Modal Dialogs
3. Creating Dialog Shells the Right Way
4. Extending the VendorShell
5. The Shadow Shell Tree
5. Messy Geometry Management
1. Introduction
2. Making Geometry Requests
1. The Xt Intrinsics Way
2. The LessTif Way
3. Geometry Management and the Widget Methods
1. The initialize() Method
2. The set_values() Method
3. The resize() Method
4. The realize() Method
5. The query_geometry() Method
6. The geometry_manager() Method
7. The change_managed() Method
8. The insert_child() and delete_child() Methods
9. The constraint_initialize() Method
10. The constraint_set_values() Method
11. The Geometry Management Helper Interfaces
6. Fun and Pain with the GeoUtils
1. Introduction
2. The BulletinBoard Class
1. The change_managed() and realize() Methods
2. The resize() Method
3. The query_geometry() Method
4. The geometry_manager() Method
5. The set_values() Method
3. The Data Structures
1. The GeoMatrix
2. The MajorLayoutRec
3. The KidGeometryRec
4. The GeoUtils Functions
1. The Allocation, Initialization, and Deallocation Functions
2. Layout Management Functions
3. The Method Functions
4. Miscellaneous Functions
5. BulletinBoard Helper Functions
6. RowColumn Specific Functions
5. How to Build a Subclass Using the GeoUtils
1. The Header Files
2. The Implementation
6. Conclusion and Credits
7. Drag and Drop
1. Introduction
2. Protocol Basics
1. Drag Operation Modes
2. Protocol Messages
3. Drag & Drop Flags
4. The Targets Table
5. Advertising a Receiver
6. Starting a Drag or Drop
3. The Drag Protocol
1. Entering/Leaving Top Level Windows
2. Pointer Motion
3. Changing the Operation
4. The Drop Protocol
5. The Preregister Mode
8. When the Keyboard Goes Wild
1. Introduction
2. The Virtual Bindings
3. Managing the Modifier Mappings
4. Managing the Virtual Bindings
5. The xmbind Client
9. Inside XmStrings
1. Introduction
2. Get Ready for the Acronyms
3. How It Works
4. Structures
5. The Other Side of XmStrings
10. Hash & Cache
1. Introduction
2. The Hash Table Module
A. Appendix
Danny Backx