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2. Pointer Motion

When the pointer moves, the initiator sends XmDRAG_MOTION messages to the receiver (which is the top level window the pointer is currently in and which is willing to accept drag messages).


Table: The XmDRAG_MOTION message send by the initiator.
Message User Data Size Description
data.b[0] BYTE Reason: XmDRAG_MOTION (0x02)
data.b[1] BYTE Byte Order: either 'B' (MSB first) or 'l' (LSB first).
data.b[2..3] CARD16 DnD Flags: 1 + 3
data.b[4..7] CARD32 Timestamp: set to the timestamp of the corresponding X event triggering this message.
data.b[8..9] CARD16 Root X: x position of the drag-over icon relative to the root window.
data.b[10..11] CARD16 Root Y: y position relative to the root window.

Whenever the initiator sends a XmDRAG_MOTION message, the receiver responds with one out of three different messages, depending on whether the pointer entered or left a valid drop site (XmDROP_SITE_ENTER, XmDROP_SITE_LEAVE), or just moved around (XmDRAG_MOTION).


Table: The XmDROP_SITE_ENTER message replied by the receiver.
Message User Data Size Description
data.b[0] BYTE Reason: XmDROP_SITE_ENTER (0x83)
data.b[1] BYTE Byte Order: either 'B' (MSB first) or 'l' (LSB first).
data.b[2..3] CARD16 DnD Flags: 1 + 2 + 3
data.b[4..7] CARD32 Timestamp: set to the timestamp of the corresponding X event triggering this message.
data.b[8..9] CARD16 Root X: better x position (hint for the initiator) of the drag-over icon relative to the root window.
data.b[10..11] CARD16 Root Y: better y position relative to the root window.


Table: The XmDROP_SITE_LEAVE message replied by the receiver.
Message User Data Size Description
data.b[0] BYTE Reason: XmDROP_SITE_LEAVE (0x84)
data.b[1] BYTE Byte Order: either 'B' (MSB first) or 'l' (LSB first).
data.b[2..3] CARD16 (DnD Flags: unused)
data.b[4..7] CARD32 Timestamp: set to the timestamp of the corresponding X event triggering this message.


Table: The XmDRAG_MOTION message echoed by the receiver.
Message User Data Size Description
data.b[0] BYTE Reason: XmDRAG_MOTION (0x82)
data.b[1] BYTE Byte Order: either 'B' (MSB first) or 'l' (LSB first).
data.b[2..3] CARD16 DnD Flags: 1 + 2 + 3
data.b[4..7] CARD32 Timestamp: set to the timestamp of the corresponding X event triggering this message.
data.b[8..9] CARD16 Root X: better x position (hint for the initiator) of the drag-over icon relative to the root window.
data.b[10..11] CARD16 Root Y: better y position relative to the root window.

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Danny Backx