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6. Starting a Drag or Drop

When an initiator starts a drag - or even only a drop -, then it first creates a new property on the source window. The name of this property can be arbitrary, but it must be of type _MOTIF_DRAG_INITIATOR_INFO and have a data size of 8. This property then should contain information about which targets the initiator is able to serve and what selection atom to use for the data transfer. Table [*] shows the structure of this property.


Table: The structure of the _MOTIF_DRAG_INITIATOR_INFO property describes the initiator.
Offset Size Description
+0x00 BYTE Byte Order: either 'B' (MSB first) or 'l' (LSB first).
+0x01 BYTE Protocol Version of Initiator: currently 0.
+0x02 CARD16 Targets Index: the index of a targets list within the targets table. The first list within the targets list has an index of 0. This index advertises which targets the initiator is willing to handle.
+0x04 CARD32 Selection Atom: atom ID to be used as the selection atom for the data transfer when the drop actually takes place.

Figure [*] finally shows the four properties which are representing an important part of the information infrastructure for the drag and drop mechanism.

Figure: Properties involved in the Drag & Drop game.
\centerline {\epsfig{file=DD_TargetTable.eps,scale=1.09}}\end{figure}

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Danny Backx